The Book of the Navajo

Locke, Raymond Friday.
The Book of the Navajo.
5th ed., Los Angeles, Mankind Publishing Co., c1976, c1979, c1986, c1989, c1992.
496p. Paperbound.
This work covers the history, culture, legends, social life, and current conditions of the Navajo nation of North America. Much of its content come from the Navajo people themselves.

Introduction: The Navajos and American Indian History — ix
Part One: Dineh: “The People”
- The Navajos: An Introduction to the People — 3
- Athapascan Ancestors — 7
- The Beautiful Rainbow of the Navajo — 13
- Navajo Art: “Handiwork of the Gods” — 33
- The World is Holy — 45
Part Two: Navajo Legends
- The Fifth World of the Navajo — 55
- The Navajo Story of Creation — 58
- How the Mexicans Came to Be — 80
- The Tale of Coyote, the Troublemaker — 86
- The Hero Twins —102
- How the People Came to Dinehtah — 129
Part Three: Strangers in the Land
- The Spanish Enter New Mexico — 139
- The Colonization of New Mexico — 155
- The Conquest of the Pueblos — 171
- Lords of the Earth — 181
Part Four: The Burning Ground
- The Navajos and the American Conquest — 199
- The “New Men” — 213
- The Death of Narbona — 237
- Calhoun’s War on the Navajos — 254
- Fort Defiance — 266
- The Fearing Time — 303
Part Five: The Long Walk
- Manuelito’s War — 323
- The Civil War in New Mexico — 341
- The Rope Thrower — 349
- Bosque Redondo — 362
- The Return to Dinehtah — 376
Part Six: The Way Back
- Lawbreakers and Peacemakers — 391
- Learning Paper — 406
- A Crowded Land — 420
- Between Two Worlds — 435
- The Navajos Help Themselves — 452
- The Navajos Today — 459