Marxism in the Digital Era

Marxism in the digital era
“Marxism in the Digital Era: Impacts of Electronic-Digital Technology on Early-21st-Century Economies” is a paper by Pio Verzola Jr. It was first published in the collection of papers, Bicentenary of Karl Marx: The Enduring Relevance of Marxism in Social Movements, It is available here for download in PDF format, 36 pp.
Cite as: Verzola, P.J. (2018). In ILPS-IPE, Bicentenary of Karl Marx: The Enduring Relevance of Marxism in Social Movements (pp. 45-80).
Table of contents
1. Marxism on Technology and Production
2. Review of the 1st Industrial Revolution
3. On the 2nd Industrial Revolution
4. The Third Industrial Revolution (Electronic-Digital Era)
- Conditions and factors
- Basic character of the Third IR
- Foundation and phases of the Third IR
5. The Current Extent of EDT Use in Society
- Semiconductor production and sales
- Industrial automation; robot production and deployment
- The global reach of the Internet
- The so-called “Fourth Industrial Revolution”
6. Emerging Issues in the Digital-era Economy
Conclusion and Epilogue Note
- Karl Marx on forces and relations of production
- On new commodities in the digital economy
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