Ikaw humati, ako pipili

Roberto Verzola

Situation: There are four kids at the dining table. All four are fierce believers in equal rights. They are also fierce eaters of bananas. But there are only two bananas left. So how to make sure there is peace at the family table during meals?

Solution: The parents don’t intervene. They don’t worry at all. They let the kids work it out among themselves.

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Jesus and Barrabas

Editor’s note: This was first posted on my FB page on April 20, 2019. I’m reposting it here with some additions and revisions.

CAN WE JUST STOP THIS FALSE ANALOGY, of choosing between Barabbas and Jesus as like a choice between “thieving politicians and honest candidates” in the forthcoming Philippine elections? It is the worst kind of analogy.

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Monthly torture for boys

Traditional boy's haircut
Traditional boy’s haircut

When we were kids, my two brothers and I underwent a traditional Chinese haircut (minus the queued tail) that, for most boys at that age, was already a minor form of torture. But the torture was tripled—at least for me—because (1) it was done monthly, (2) it was done with an old razor featuring reusable Gillette blades, and (3) it was done by my father during his often-grumpy moments. Continue reading “Monthly torture for boys”